Green Farm Cube

Green Farm Cube


A home-use hydroponic instrument which provides experiences to “grow” your own.

This product is a kit for enjoying hydroponic at home. In order to form an ornamental design, the idea to cover the instrument with a transparent casing was born. Allowing users to achieve the most important user experience of this product, to “grow your own” plant, it prevents insects to get inside to damage the plant at the same time. The softly squared design is applicable in any places of the house, the kitchen, the living room, and even in the kids’ room.

Green Farm Cube
Green Farm Cube
Green Farm Cube

This product is a kit for enjoying hydroponic at home. In order to form an ornamental design, the idea to cover the instrument with a transparent casing was born. Allowing users to achieve the most important user experience of this product, to “grow your own” plant, it prevents insects to get inside to damage the plant at the same time. The softly squared design is applicable in any places of the house, the kitchen, the living room, and even in the kids’ room.